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Historical Oil Production from Platform Holly

             #      Total Oil  Avg. Daily   Cumul. Oil  Est. Remaining
           Active    Prod.     Oil Prod.     Prod.         Reserve
  Year      Wells  (10^6 Bbl)  (10^3 Bbl)   (10^6 Bbl)    (10^6 Bbl)
========= ======== ========== ============ ============ ==============
  1968       11       1.93        5.27         3.45       
  1969       11       0.54        1.49         3.99
  1970       11       0.92        2.52         4.91
  1971       12       0.66        1.81         5.58
  1972        9       0.76        2.08         6.34
  1973       10       1.18        3.22         7.51
  1974       11       1.19        3.27         8.71
  1975       11       1.20        3.28         9.90
  1976       11       1.06        2.90        10.96          5.30
  1977       11       1.05        2.88        12.02          4.25
  1978        8       0.79        2.17        12.81          3.46
  1979       18       2.29        6.28        15.1          15.1
  1980       21       2.18        5.96        17.3          12.9
  1981       28       2.73        7.48        20.0          10.2
  1982       26       3.40        9.30        23.4          43.6
  1983       25       3.15        8.63        26.6          40.4
  1984       28       3.46        9.45        30.0          37.0
  1985       27       2.94        8.04        33.0          34.1
  1986       27       2.66        7.29        35.6          31.4
  1987       28       2.60        7.11        38.2          28.8
  1988       28       2.56        7.00        40.8          26.2
  1989       28       1.93        5.29        42.7          24.3
  1990       29       2.09        5.71        44.8          22.2
  1991       27       1.98        5.42        46.8          20.2
  1992       27       1.77        4.85        48.5          18.5
  1993       27       1.37        3.76        49.9          17.1
========= ======== ========== ============ ============ ==============
  Year       #      Total Oil  Avg. Daily   Cumul. Oil  Est. Remaining
           Active    Prod.     Oil Prod.     Prod.         Reserve
           Wells   (10^6 Bbl)  (10^3 Bbl)   (10^6 Bbl)    (10^6 Bbl)

Caption top bottom

Above is a table of the historical oil production from the offshore oil platform Holly. The data comes from the State Lands Commission and the Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District. Until 1993, Platform Holly was owned by ARCO.

The units of volume are petroleum barrels, which I believe are 42 gallons; I abbreviate that unit as `Bbl' above. Because sometimes the words `million' and `billion' are used in the British sense in the oil industry, I have decided to write the units in scientific notation: 10^6 means million, 10^3 means thousand.

Note that new oil wells were commissioned at Holly in the late 1970's; a court case that went to the California Supreme Court had to be settled before this drilling was allowed. See the Santa Barbara News Press , Sep. 18, 1976.

Also, note that the reserves are periodically reassessed by the State Lands Commission. Such reassessments are evident in 1979 and 1982, and describe the increased reserves that were accessed by the new wells drilled around that time.

Mobil indicates that somewhere between 50 million and 65 million barrels are still accessible from Platform Holly. To obtain those reserves, Mobil presumably must drill new wells from Platform Holly. When they do so, the State Lands Commission would increase the reserves, as they did in 1979 and 1982.

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