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Projected Oil Production from Platform Holly

             #      Total Oil  Avg. Daily   Cumul. Oil 
           Active    Prod.     Oil Prod.     Prod.     
  Year      Wells  (10^6 Bbl)  (10^3 Bbl)   (10^6 Bbl) 
========= ======== ========== ============ ============
  1993       30       1.81        4.17         1.81
  1994       30       1.93        4.44         3.75
  1995       30       2.18        5.00         5.92
  1996       30       2.91        6.66         8.83
  1997       30       4.71       10.8         13.5
  1998       30       4.53       10.4         18.1
  1999       30       4.17        9.58        22.2
  2000       30       3.76        8.61        26.0
  2001       30       3.32        7.64        29.3
  2002       30       3.02        6.94        32.3
  2003       30       2.72        6.25        35.1
  2004       30       2.48        5.69        37.6
  2005       30       2.26        5.19        39.8
  2006       30       2.05        4.72        41.9
  2007       30       1.87        4.31        43.7
  2008       30       1.70        3.89        45.4
  2009       30       1.57        3.61        47.0
  2010       30       1.45        3.33        51.0
  2011       30       1.27        2.92        54.5
  2012       30       1.15        2.64        57.6
  2013       30       1.05        2.41        60.5
  2014       30       0.91        2.08        63.0
  2015       30       0.81        1.86        65.2
========= ======== ========== ============ ============
  Year       #      Total Oil  Avg. Daily   Cumul. Oil 
           Active    Prod.     Oil Prod.     Prod.     
           Wells   (10^6 Bbl)  (10^3 Bbl)   (10^6 Bbl) 

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Above is a table of the projected oil production from the offshore oil platform Holly. The data comes from the report of the Chancellor's Task Force on the Clearview Project, and were contributed by Mobil Oil. The number of oil wells has been guessed to be 30.

The units of volume are petroleum barrels, which I believe are 42 gallons; I abbreviate that unit as `Bbl' above. Because sometimes the words `million' and `billion' are used in the British sense in the oil industry, I have decided to write the units in scientific notation: 10^6 means million, 10^3 means thousand.

Should the Clearview project be initiated, oil production from Holly would stop at the end of 2001, according to Mobil Oil.

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