Gain / Intercept Measurement

The results of the gain and intercept measurements for all channels are summarized in the plots below. The results are presented in units of DAC counts and in SI units. The chip numbers are also shown.

The data before bonding to the silicon are in black.
The data after bonding to the silicon are in red.

Gains and intercepts for H1-13 (D02B-8) at 100 nsec shaping time.
A ps file with many more plots is also available.

Gains and intercepts for H1-29 (D02F-4) at 100 nsec shaping time.
A ps file with many more plots is also available.

Gains and intercepts for H1-13 (D02B-8) at 400 nsec shaping time.
A ps file with many more plots is also available.

Gains and intercepts for H1-29 (D02F-4) at 400 nsec shaping time.
A ps file with many more plots is also available.

Tables of the gain and offset measurements can be found here .
Some observations:

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