Study of SVT occupancies for various background conditions


In view of the likely background levels at IR-2, especially at the experiment start-up, it appears extremely important to benchmark the expected occupancies in the SVT, as given by the present software simulation and taking into account the current hardware conditions. This note summarizes the results of a study where we looked at the occupancies for no background, nominal background, and 10 x nominal background.

  • We used release 6.10.10.
  • "Updated" background frames (with a more realistic beampipe simulation, etc.) being not yet usable, we used the MDC2 frames.
  • We used the "old" bonding scheme, as the new layout is not yet fully implemented in the software.

  • We will update our results following the progress in the software.


    We define layer occupancy as the number of digis per event per a given layer divided by the number of readout channels available for this layer. The plots in the next section show occupancies as a function of channel number, calculated as channel + (# of channels per chip)*chip + (# of readout channels per module)*(module-1), and spatially separated for forward and backward half-modules (the rightmost groups correspond to the backward half-modules).



    Questions or comments? Please send e-mail to Natalia Kuznetsova

    Page Last Updated: December 14, 1998