Stephen Levy

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Former Graduate Student

August 2003:
    Well, I graduated from UCSB and moved on to the University of Chicago
    High Energy Physics group to work on the CDF experiment at Fermilab.
    New Contact Information:
HEP 319, Enrico Fermi Institute
5640 S. Ellis Ave
Chicago, IL 60614
773 702 7484 (office)
773 702 1914 (fax)


I am helping our group test the inner layers of a Silicon Vertex Detector for the BaBar experiment at the SLAC B-Factory. Visit our local BaBar page to learn more about the detector and experiment.


5302 Broida Hall
Physics Department
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106
(805) 893-5691 (office)
(805) 893-8959 (lab)

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