[Old Clearview] [Clearview] [H.N.] [HEP] [Physics] [UCSB]

Table of Santa Barbara County's Top 50 Employers

Published in the Santa Barbara News-Press, Sunday, January 29, 1995. The table is very wide.

The total number of employees described in this table is 47,378; that is about 31% of the total Santa Barbara County employment of 152,800. This means that employers with fewer than 320 employees account for 69% or about 105,000 of the jobs in the County.

                                                                                        # of
     Company                             Location              Type of Business         Empl.
    ==================================  ====================  ========================  =====
 1) UCSB                                Goleta                Education                 8,053
 2) Vandenberg Air Force Base           Lompoc                Air Force Base            5,020
 3) County of Santa Barbara             Santa Barbara         Government                4,050
 4) Cottage Hospital                    Santa Barbara         Medical                   1,686
 5) Santa Barbara Research Center       Goleta                Manufacturer              1,325
 6) Raytheon Co.                        Goleta                Manufacturer              1,250
 7) U.S. Postal Service                 Santa Barbara County  U.S. Postal Service       1,116
 8) Santa Maria-Bonita Schools          Santa Maria           Education                 1,034
 9) Allan Hancock College               Santa Maria, Lompoc   Education                 1,025
10) Santa Barbara City College          Santa Barbara         Education                 1,025
11) Marian Medical Center               Santa Maria           Medical                   1,000
12) City of Santa Barbara               Santa Barbara         Government                  985
13) Lompoc Unified School District      Lompoc                Education                   951
14) Vons/Williams Brothers Stores       Santa Barbara County  Retail Grocer               902
15) ITT/Federal Systems Corporation     Vandenberg AFB        VAFB Programs               900
16) Applied Magnetics Corporation       Goleta, Santa Maria   Computer Parts              850
17) Delco Electronics System Div.       Goleta                Electronics                 825
18) Santa Barbara High School District  Santa Barbara         Education                   800
19) U.S. Dept. of Justice               Lompoc                Federal Penitentiary        702
20) Santa Barbara Medical Foundation    Santa Barbara         Medical                     660
21) R.P. Richards                       Goleta                Sheet Metal Fabrication     650
22) Martin Marietta                     Vandenberg AFB        VAFB space systems          650
23) Lucky Stores                        Santa Barbara County  Retail grocer               573
24) S.B. Elementary School District     Santa Barbara         Education                   570
25) County Schools Office               Santa Barbara         Education                   532
26) City of Santa Maria                 Santa Maria           Government                  507
27) Four Seasons Biltmore               Santa Barbara         Lodging                     500
28) Deckers Manufacturing               Carpinteria           Sandal Manufacturer         500
29) Santa Barbara Bank & Trust          Santa Barbara         Banking                     495
30) Den-Mat Corp.                       Santa Maria           Dental Products             490
31) S.B. County Health Care Service     Santa Barbara         Medical                     486
32) Lompoc Hospital                     Lompoc                Medical                     466
33) St. Francis Hospital                Santa Barbara         Medical                     450
34) Sansum Medical Clinic               Santa Barbara         Medical                     450
35) Pict Sweet Frozen                   Santa Maria           Food Processing             421
36) Santa Maria Joint Union             Santa Maria           Education                   418
37) Devereux Foundation                 Goleta                Education                   410
38) Fess Parker's Red Lion Resort       Santa Barbara         Lodging                     410
39) Goleta Union                        Goleta                Education                   400
40) Goleta Valley Community Hospital    Goleta                Medical                     400
41) Sears                               Santa Barbara County  Department Store            398
42) City of Lompoc                      Lompoc                Government                  375
43) La Cumbre Plaza Shopping            Santa Barbara         Department Stores           350
44) McGahn Medical                      Santa Barbara         Medical Device Maker        350
45) Celite Corp.                        Lompoc                Mining                      340
46) GTE California                      Santa Barbara         Telephone                   330
47) Joslyn Electronic Systems Division  Goleta                Electronics                 328
48) Mission Industries                  Santa Barbara         Services                    327
49) Valley Community Hospital           Santa Maria           Medical                     323
50) Jordano's                           Santa Barbara         Food Distributer            320

[Old Clearview] [Clearview] [H.N.] [HEP] [Physics] [UCSB]
hnn@charm.physics.ucsb.edu, 1/29/95