//---------------------------------------------------- poissoninit(double xmu=3.,int nent=1000000,int nbin=20){ cout << "This is the first call that sets up the histogram" << endl; cout << "Mean of the Poisson is " << xmu << endl; cout << "Number of entries " << nent << endl; cout << "Number of bins " << nbin << endl; int nbinp=nbin+3; double xmax=nbin+0.5; TH1D *h1=new TH1D("h1","Poisson",nbinp,-2.5,xmax); int i; TRandom3*r=new TRandom3(0); for (i=0; iFill(r->Poisson(xmu));} gStyle->SetOptStat(220002210); h1->GetXaxis()->SetTitle("Events Per Experiment"); h1->GetYaxis()->SetTitle("Experiments Per 1 Event Bin"); h1->Draw(); } //----------------------------------------------------